Monday, March 18, 2013

Lantern festival...


A few Saturdays ago we did some window shopping along Beijing Road which dates really far back...

"Underneath glass, below ground level, you can see the remains of streets from three different dynasties – namely the Song (960-1279), Yuan (1279-1368) and Ming (1368-1644). The older the street remains, the deeper they lie beneath the modern-day Beijing Lu mall, which makes you contemplate just how much history is buried undiscovered under Guangzhou and, indeed, all of China"

We also enjoyed a delicious lunch at Papa John's.  It was a very exciting lunch because pizza is hard to find in China and good pizza is even a bigger deal.  Many of our experiences like this have helped us really enjoy and appreciate the things we see as normal and take for granted back home. 

212 acres in downtown Guangzhou decorated for the end of the Spring Festival or Chinese New Year.
We paid about $2 each to get in.
Dragon that was about three times in length   

According to...
"The Chinese, the character for fish is pronounced the same as the Chinese character for “abundance” or “surplus”.  Therefore, the fish symbol is frequently associated with other symbols and Chinese characters to symbolize the wish for “more” in the sense of “more” good luck, good fortune, long life and children. Despite being an ancient symbol, it is still often found in modern-day Chinese culture"

The teapot below was made out of recycled brown medicine type bottles.

This one was made out of ping pong balls

The smurfs even made an appearance?  We also saw Iron Man and Spiderman.

A section with more traditional lanterns

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